Python: Case studies#
These are case studies with the Python package DoubleML.
General Examples#

Python: Basics of Double Machine Learning

Python: Impact of 401(k) on Financial Wealth

Python: Sensitivity Analysis

Python: Average Potential Outcome (APO) Models

Python: Choice of learners

Python: First Stage and Causal Estimation

Python: Cluster Robust Double Machine Learning
Python: Sample Selection Models

Example: Sensitivity Analysis for Causal ML

Python: Difference-in-Differences

Python: Difference-in-Differences Pre-Testing

Python: Basic Instrumental Variables calculation

Python: PLM and IRM for Multiple Treatments

DoubleML meets FLAML - How to tune learners automatically within DoubleML

Flexible Covariate Adjustment in Regression Discontinuity Designs (RDD)
Effect Heterogeneity#

Python: Group Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) for IRM models

Python: Group Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) for PLR models

Python: Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATEs) for IRM models

Python: Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATEs) for PLR models

Python: GATE Sensitivity Analysis

Python: Policy Learning with Trees

Python: Impact of 401(k) on Financial Wealth (Quantile Effects)

Python: Potential Quantiles and Quantile Treatment Effects

Python: Conditional Value at Risk of potential outcomes
R: Case studies#
These are case studies with the R package DoubleML.
These are examples which are work-in-progress and/or not yet fully documented.