API reference#
Double machine learning data class#
Double machine learning data-backend. |
Double machine learning data-backend for data with cluster variables. |
Double machine learning models#
Double machine learning for partially linear regression models |
Double machine learning for partially linear IV regression models |
Double machine learning for interactive regression models |
Double machine learning average potential outcomes for interactive regression models. |
Double machine learning for interactive regression models with multiple discrete treatments. |
Double machine learning for interactive IV regression models |
Double machine learning for difference-in-differences models with panel data (two time periods). |
Double machine learning for difference-in-difference with repeated cross-sections. |
Double machine learning for sample selection models |
Double machine learning for potential quantiles |
Double machine learning for local potential quantiles |
Double machine learning for conditional value at risk for potential outcomes |
Double machine learning for quantile treatment effects |
Other models#
Flexible adjustment with double machine learning for regression discontinuity designs |
Datasets module#
Dataset loaders#
Data set on financial wealth and 401(k) plan participation. |
Data set on the Pennsylvania Reemployment Bonus experiment. |
Dataset generators#
Generates data from a partially linear regression model used in Chernozhukov et al. (2018) for Figure 1. |
Generates data from a partially linear IV regression model used in Chernozhukov, Hansen and Spindler (2015). |
Generates data from a interactive regression (IRM) model. |
Generates data from a interactive IV regression (IIVM) model. |
Generates data from a partially linear regression model used in a blog article by Turrell (2018). |
Generates data from a partially linear IV regression model with multiway cluster sample used in Chiang et al. (2021). |
Generates data from a difference-in-differences model used in Sant'Anna and Zhao (2020). |
Generates data from a sample selection model (SSM). |
Generates counfounded data from an partially linear regression model. |
Generates counfounded data from an interactive regression model. |
Creates a simple synthetic example for heterogeneous treatment effects. |
Generates data from a interactive regression (IRM) model with multiple treatment levels (based on an underlying continous treatment). |
Generates synthetic data for a regression discontinuity design (RDD) analysis. |
Utility classes and functions#
Utility classes#
A dummy regressor that raises an AttributeError when attempting to access its fit, predict, or set_params methods. |
A dummy classifier that raises an AttributeError when attempting to access its fit, predict, set_params, or predict_proba methods. |
Best linear predictor (BLP) for DoubleML with orthogonal signals. |
Policy Tree fitting for DoubleML. |
A global regressor that ignores the attribute sample_weight when being fit to ensure a global fit. |
A global classifier that ignores the attribute |
Utility functions#
Compute gain statistics as benchmark values for sensitivity parameters |
Score mixin classes for double machine learning models#
Mixin class implementing DML estimation for score functions being linear in the target parameter |
Mixin class implementing DML estimation for score functions being nonlinear in the target parameter |