SSM with Missingness at Random

This is the init_notebook_mode cell from ITables v2.1.4
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ATE Coverage

The simulations are based on the the make_ssm_data-DGP with \(500\) observations. The simulation considers data under missingness at random.

DoubleML Version                           0.8.2
Date                         2024-08-11 15:52:22
Total Runtime (seconds)              4748.574396
Python Version                            3.12.4
Coverage for 95.0%-Confidence Interval over 1000 Repetitions
Learner g Learner m Learner pi Bias CI Length Coverage
LGBM LGBM LGBM 1.525 7.024 0.981
LGBM LGBM Logistic 0.615 3.076 0.973
LGBM Logistic LGBM 0.654 3.069 0.985
LGBM Logistic Logistic 0.127 0.643 0.958
Lasso LGBM LGBM 1.270 5.995 0.981
Lasso LGBM Logistic 0.622 2.790 0.955
Lasso Logistic LGBM 0.613 2.740 0.970
Lasso Logistic Logistic 0.123 0.610 0.961
Coverage for 90.0%-Confidence Interval over 1000 Repetitions
Learner g Learner m Learner pi Bias CI Length Coverage
LGBM LGBM LGBM 1.525 5.895 0.934
LGBM LGBM Logistic 0.615 2.582 0.927
LGBM Logistic LGBM 0.654 2.576 0.945
LGBM Logistic Logistic 0.127 0.540 0.914
Lasso LGBM LGBM 1.270 5.031 0.939
Lasso LGBM Logistic 0.622 2.341 0.887
Lasso Logistic LGBM 0.613 2.300 0.919
Lasso Logistic Logistic 0.123 0.512 0.897