DoubleML Tutorial- Team

Philipp Bach

Philipp Bach is a postdoctoral researcher in statistics at the University of Hamburg, Germany. His research focuses on implementing and applying methods for causal machine learning. He is a developer and contributor to the R packages DoubleML and hdm. He enjoys being part of the R community and is looking forward to get to know the tutorial participants at useR!2022. Visit Philipp’s accounts on twitter @PhilippBach_HH and GitHub.

Martin Spindler

Martin Spindler is professor of statistics and applications in business administration at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is founder of the start-up EconomicAI, which transfers ML-based causal models to industry. His research focuses on theoretical extensions of causal inference in high-dimensional models, as well as their applications in academic research and industry projects. He is a developer and contributor to the R packages hdm and DoubleML. Martin can’t wait to meet the tutorial participants and learn about their interest in causal machine learning. Visit Martin’s accounts on twitter @MartinSpindler5 or GitHub.

Oliver Schacht

Oliver Schacht is a PhD candidate in statistics at the University of Hamburg, Germany. His research focuses on implementing and applying causal machine learning and causal reinforcement learning in academic and industry applications. Oliver is really excited to teach one of the interactive lab sessions in the DoubleML Tutorial at UseR!2022. Visit Oliver’s account on GitHub.


We would like to thank Malte Kurz and Victor Chernozhukov as well as our research assistants Mehmet Korkmaz, Anzony Quispe, Gangli Tan and Joshua Falke for their support during the preparation of the tutorial.