:parenttoc: True Double machine learning literature ================================== .. grid:: 1 .. grid-item-card:: :text-align: left .. dropdown:: Main Reference :class-title: sd-bg-primary sd-font-weight-bold :open: - Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Mert Demirer, Esther Duflo, Christian Hansen, Whitney Newey, James Robins |br| **Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural parameters** |br| *The Econometrics Journal, 21(1), C1-C68, 2018* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` .. dropdown:: Software for double machine learning :class-title: sd-bg-primary sd-font-weight-bold - Philipp Bach, Victor Chernozhukov, Malte S. Kurz, Martin Spindler |br| **DoubleML -- An Object-Oriented Implementation of Double Machine Learning in Python** |br| *Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(53): 1-6, 2022* |br| :bdg-info:`Python Package DoubleML` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` :bdg-link-dark:`PyPI ` :bdg-link-dark:`conda-forge ` :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Philipp Bach, Victor Chernozhukov, Malte S. Kurz, Martin Spindler, Sven Klaassen |br| **DoubleML -- An Object-Oriented Implementation of Double Machine Learning in R** |br| *Journal of Statistical Software, 108(3), 1-56, 2024* |br| :bdg-info:`R Package DoubleML` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` :bdg-link-dark:`CRAN ` :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Keith Battocchi, Eleanor Dillon, Maggie Hei, Greg Lewis, Paul Oka, Miruna Oprescu, Vasilis Syrgkanis |br| **EconML: A Python Package for ML-Based Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Estimation** |br| *2019* |br| :bdg-info:`Python Package EconML` |br| :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Hugo Bodory, Martin Huber |br| **The causalweight package for causal inference in R** |br| *Working Papers SES 493, Faculty of Economics and Social Science, University of Fribourg, 2018* |br| :bdg-info:`R Package causalweight` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`CRAN ` |hr| - Michael C. Knaus |br| **Double Machine Learning based Program Evaluation under Unconfoundedness** |br| *arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.03191 [econ.EM], 2020* |br| :bdg-info:`R Package causalDML` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Michael C. Knaus |br| **A Double Machine Learning Approach to Estimate the Effects of Musical Practice on Student’s Skills** |br| *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 184(1), 282-300, 2021* |br| :bdg-info:`R Package dmlmt` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Malte S. Kurz |br| **Distributed Double Machine Learning with a Serverless Architecture** |br| *In Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE ‘21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 27-33, 2021* |br| :bdg-info:`Python Package DoubleML-Serverless` |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` |hr| - Juraj Szitas |br| **postDoubleR: Post Double Selection with Double Machine Learning** |br| *2019* |br| :bdg-info:`R Package postDoubleR` |br| :octicon:`mark-github` :bdg-link-dark:`GitHub ` .. dropdown:: Double machine learning models and methodological extensions :class-title: sd-bg-primary sd-font-weight-bold - Susan Athey, Stefan Wager |br| **Policy Learning With Observational Data** |br| *Econometrica, 89(1), Pages 133–161, 2021* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Michela Bia, Martin Huber, Lukas Laffers |br| **Double Machine Learning for Sample Selection Models** |br| * Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 1-12., 2023* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Neng-Chieh Chang |br| **Double/debiased machine learning for difference-in-differences models** |br| *The Econometrics Journal, 23(2), Pages 177–191, 2020* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Chernozhukov, Victor and Demirer, Mert and Duflo, Esther and Fernández-Val, Iván |br| **Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments, with an Application to Immunization in India** |br| *National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Harold D. Chiang, Kengo Kato, Yukun Ma, Yuya Sasaki |br| **Multiway Cluster Robust Double/Debiased Machine Learning** |br| *Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming, 2021* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Nathan Kallus, Xiaojie Mao, Masatoshi Uehara |br| **Localized Debiased Machine Learning: Efficient Inference on Quantile Treatment Effects and Beyond** |br| *arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12945 [stat.ML], 2019* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Nathan Kallus, Masatoshi Uehara |br| **Double Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Off-Policy Evaluation in Markov Decision Processes** |br| *Journal of Machine Learning Research 21, 1-63, 2020* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Yusuke Narita, Shota Yasui, Kohei Yata |br| **Debiased Off-Policy Evaluation for Recommendation Systems** |br| *RecSys '21: Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 372–379, 2021* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Lester Mackey, Vasilis Syrgkanis, Ilias Zadik |br| **Orthogonal Machine Learning: Power and Limitations** |br| *Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2018* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Pedro HC Sant'Anna, Jun Zhao |br| **Doubly robust difference-in-differences estimators** |br| *Journal of Econometrics, 219(1), Pages 101-122, 2020* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Victor Chernozhukov, Carlos Cinelli, Whitney Newey, Amit Sharma, Vasilis Syrgkanis |br| **Long Story Short: Omitted Variable Bias in Causal Machine Learning** |br| *No. w30302. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Vira Semenova, Victor Chernozhukov |br| **Debiased machine learning of conditional average treatment effects and other causal functions** |br| *The Econometrics Journal, 24(2), Pages 264-289, 2021* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Vira Semenova, Matt Goldman, Victor Chernozhukov, Matt Taddy |br| **Estimation and Inference on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in High-Dimensional Dynamic Panels under Weak Dependence** |br| *arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.09988 [stat.ML], 2017* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Michael Zimmert |br| **Efficient Difference-in-Differences Estimation with High-Dimensional Common Trend Confounding** |br| *arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.01643 [econ.EM], 2018* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` .. dropdown:: Debiased sparsity-based inference / theoretical foundations :class-title: sd-bg-primary sd-font-weight-bold - A. Belloni, V. Chernozhukov, C. Hansen |br| **Inference for High-Dimensional Sparse Econometric Models** |br| *In D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano, & E. Dekel (Eds.), Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Tenth World Congress, 245-295, 2013* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, Lie Wang |br| **Pivotal estimation via square-root Lasso in nonparametric regression** |br| *The Annals of Statistics, 42(2), 757-788, 2014* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Victor Chernozhukov, Christian Hansen, Martin Spindler |br| **Valid Post-Selection and Post-Regularization Inference: An Elementary, General Approach** *Annual Review of Economics 7(1), 649-688, 2015* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - Adel Javanmard, Andrea Montanari |br| **Hypothesis Testing in High-Dimensional Regression Under the Gaussian Random Design Model: Asymptotic Theory** |br| *IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(10):6522–6554, 2014* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` :bdg-link-dark:`arXiv ` |hr| - Jerzy Neyman |br| **Optimal asymptotic tests of composite hypotheses** |br| *In Ulf Grenander (Eds.), Probability and Statistics, Almqvist & Wiksell, 213–234, 1959* |br| |hr| - Sara van de Geer, Peter Bühlmann, Ya’acov Ritov, Ruben Dezeure |br| **On asymptotically optimal confidence regions and tests for high-dimensional models** |br| *The Annals of Statistics, 42(3), 1166-1202, 2014* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| - C.-H. Zhang, S.S. Zhang |br| **Confidence intervals for low dimensional parameters in high dimensional linear models** |br| *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 76, 217-242, 2014* |br| :octicon:`link` :bdg-link-dark:`URL ` |hr| .. grid:: 1 .. grid-item-card:: Want to add or update a reference in the literature overview? :text-align: center .. button-link:: https://github.com/DoubleML/doubleml-docs/edit/main/doc/literature/literature.rst :color: dark :expand: Edit this file to propose a change or addition :octicon:`mark-github` .. button-link:: https://github.com/DoubleML/doubleml-docs/issues/new?assignees=FrederikBornemann&labels=literature&template=literature.yml&title=%5BADD%2FEDIT%5D+Reference+in+literature+overview :color: dark :expand: Discuss a change or addition via an issue :octicon:`mark-github` .. raw:: html .. replaces |br| with a new line .. |br| raw:: html
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